Monday, 26 November 2012

Front Cover, Contents Page, and DPS

I had a lesson today, so I have been working on all the parts of my magazine.

Front Cover

On my front cover, I changed the main coverline (pull-quote) to a different pull-quote from my interview. This was because the other pull-quote that I had been using was far too long, and it took up too much room to make the magazine look professional. Therefore, I chose a shorter quote and made the text slightly smaller, so that it fit better.

I also moved the main coverlines around slightly, so that they fit better with the stripes on my model's top.

Contents Page

On my contents page, I realised that the reviews all seemed to blend in together; it was not clear where one album/single name ended and where the next one began, as a few of the album names went over two lines. Therefore, I gave every other album/single name a black 'glow' at 20% (so that the glow did not blur the individual letters) which makes it easier to know where one album/single name ends and the next one begins.

Another thing that I did on my contents page was to edit my Editor's Letter slightly, as before, the cover story was mentioned in the same sentence as one of the other features, which took away importance from it. Therefore, I changed the wording and punctuation of my Editor's Letter so that the cover story was in a sentence on its own and became more important.


On my DPS, I changed the wording of the introduction so that it made more sense. I also added a few notes in brackets within the interview dialogue so that if the reader doesn't know who a person mentioned by the artist is, the text in the brackets will explain.

Another thing that I did on my DPS was add colour to some of the text. I changed the colour of the headline so that the colour flowed from the red in my model's dress and therefore made it different from the main colour scheme and unique to this DPS.

The colour of the questions has also been changed, so that the DPS is more colourful to appeal to my audience, rather than having purely black and white text. However, I set the colour tint at 70% so the colour was not as harsh.

The final change I made to my DPS was to add colour to my introduction. I made everything green apart from the names of people mentioned in my DPS. I did this for two reasons:
  1. So that there was more colour on my DPS
  2. So that even though there is colour, the names remain black and still stand out against the green of the rest of the introduction; this is something that I noticed NME did when I went back to have a look at my Case Studies for inspiration

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