I redrafted my House Styles based on my audience feedback.
Ps23 is a CCM magazine - Contemporary Christian Music - focusing mainly
on rock pop and some heavier rock. We hope to include artists from both sides of
the Atlantic, from American hard rock bands such as Casting Crowns to British
folk-rock bands such as The Rend Collective Experiment, and propose regulars
such as reviews of albums and singles, annual reviews of CCM festivals such as
Soul Survivor, Momentum and Big Church Day Out, and
interviews with new artists. It is also possible that there may be a regular
section for those aspiring to be worship leaders themselves. Ps23 is
unique as there is currently only one CCM magazine available in the UK, and even
this is difficult to buy, therefore there is a gap in the market for this type
of magazine.
The ideal target audience for Ps23 is Christians
aged 20-30 living in the UK and we aim to appeal to those with a taste for more
contemporary music inspired by the Christian faith. The ideal publisher for
Ps23 would be the Bauer Media Group, a publisher who already publishes
two music magazines (Q and Kerrang!), both of which cover the
genres that Ps23 will feature, in their secular form. We expect that
Ps23 will be the Christian version of these magazines, and therefore
feel that the Bauer Media Group would be the right publisher for the
In my audience feedback, I was told that my audience was too
large, and that my House Styles would appeal more to the older bracket of my
original target audience. Therefore, I have narrowed my audience and made it for
older people. I also took out the demographics, and I was also told that my
audience did not understand what this meant.
My original masthead had a brighter green, but in my audience feedback I was
told that the green was too bright. Therefore, I have chosen a darker shade of
green for my new masthead.
Front Cover
I have only changed my front cover to suit the new colour scheme that flows from
the masthead, as it did in my Preliminary Task.
Contents Page
Again, I have changed the colour scheme on my contents page, and changed the
colours of the titles.
I have changed the colour scheme for the DPS, and have added extra space to add
more photographs. This was because in my audience feedback, I was told that
there should be more pictures on the DPS.
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